Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was thinking about this crazy concept this morning during my yoga class, as I was aware of how much I love practicing yoga, but often times don't have the discipline to make it happen. I've always considered myself a rather disciplined person. I think about two things in particular that always make me feel great when I'm doing them: yoga and biking. They make me feel awesome, they are both free to me, and I love it! So why is it so difficult to make it to class or throw my bike on the car and get up to the trail? Because from there, the rest is all easy, enjoyable, and rewarding. hmmmm. I find the same difficulty lately in being alone. I have the intention, but then I collapse and call someone to hang out, when I could have benefited from that time alone to either be productive, meditate, read, or just reflect. Or else I end up flipping on the TV, when I could be doing something MUCH more productive and good. So how do we find this 'discipline' when it is absent from our lives?