Poor little Pedro Tosh. He was very sick, but is now recovering nicely after receiving all vaccinations, weekly medicated baths, vitamins, and plenty of food, water, and love. I was going to have to leave him in an outside cage at the vet's office in Coronado, Panama, without knowing if or when he'd find a home, so I changed my mind at the last minute and on the way to the vet to drop him off, decided he was coming with me up the coast. Tosh is more well-traveled than most people at this point. We've been through Panama, Costa Rica, and are now in Nicaragua. The only problems we've had are 1)

Talking my little stray pal into thinking that puppy food is better for him than two-week old scraps he finds laying in the street, and 2) sneaking him into hotels/hostels. When we are not granted a room due to his race, we just move on until we find one who allows Toshy's. So far all is well and he's a great travel partner - always happy to stay put or to move on to the next cool place.
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