Gecko talk around the casita:
“I heard that she’s really friendly. She didn’t even kill the giant Jumping Spider cruising around in here last night! C’mon in guys, it’s safe. I’ve been hanging out around this shower all morning with her in and out and all she wants to do is take photos and talk. I think she’s loca or she’s really bored or something.” In fact, I think I’m more entertained just watching and listening to her talk to all of us while we just sit here. That stupid flash is about to blind me though.
Little ants to each other:
“Check it out guys, a gigantic piece of cookie on the bathroom floor! Food party!!!”
Big ants to each other:
“Check it out guys, a little ant feast! I get the ones covering this half of the cookie, you guys can have the rest.”
Little ants:
“party’s over guys – the cookie ……whoa, and half of us were just swept into the garbage. Hey, wait, where did the other half go? Run! Big ants!”
Bee trying to go into old nail holes in the wooden slats on the house:
“I could have sworn that this was my hive. What the h#$l is going on? This must be it - I’ll just try again. Guys, is anyone in there? Can you ple
ase help me out here?
Bee to the butterfly and other type of bee on the slats:
Hey, have you guys seen my hive? I could have sworn it was right here, but come to think of it, I don’t remember you guys…and I certainly don’t remember this dog! Ah, here is my hive – holy sh!t, that’s the wasp’s – sorry about that, I’ll just be on my way.” Buzz.
Notes from the Iguanas around the farm:
Would you please get rid of that damn dog? How do you think we became so big? Yup, that’s right, because we eat out of the compost pile every night. By the way, did you put that papaya in there cause that was nice! Oh yeah, about the dog. You know, that other little white dog doesn’t bother us, this one………..can you please explain to him that he’ll never ever catch us because we climb trees. Ok thanks. And do feel free to keep putting papaya in the compost trench.
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