Yesterday we went to the beach with our friends up the hill. The surf was not great due to strong on-shore winds, but we still had fun paddling around. On the way home, one of the locals was walking and asked us for a ride due to a major gash in his back from being banged against the reef yesterday morning surfing. Since Dr. Tom was in the car with us, we took him up to the B&B to have a look. Indeed he needed stitches, and someone had already tried stitching him up, but two of the four stitches had come out. Cos and I left before Dr. Tom went to work on the patient, since they were waiting for the appropriate instruments to perform the surgery on the picnic table on the patio.
This morning I woke up before the sun and had the pleasure of listening to the beautiful sounds of nature – the monkeys, the birds, the roosters crowing – and then I realized that the reason I could hear everything so well was that the power had gone out and therefore all the fans were off inside and I had full access to the outside early morning sounds.
Cosmo and I went out on the front porch to watch the sun come up through the forest next to the house and to watch the birds come alive with the first light of day. I made coffee and Cos jumped up into my lap so that we could snuggle while I sipped my delicious Costa Rican fresh brew. Oh how we love our mornings. Cos tells me that it’s a new beginning, each day a new opportunity to try again, to do your best.
Happy Birthday to my dear ol’ Mom! Once again I am away for your birthday celebration, but we’ll be thinking about you today and wishing you beautiful energy on this very special day.
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