Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sweet Bike Man!

I just finished finalizing my transaction for both my motorcycle and surfboard for the entire month! OK, so niether are in perfect condition, but the bike looks sweet! I first talked to the guy at the surf shop, who said he'd keep his eye out for one, then I asked the moto driver who brought me home from the surf shop on his bike, and he took me to a guy, who led me to another contact, which led me to two young with cool bikes (both of which they let me ride - I'm pretty sure just to see a girl ride), who then introduced me to the guy I actually got the motorcycle from. Now while the bike may not be perfect (no lights, front brake, barely any back brake, and a clutch that only works part time, and really bent handle bars), it looks sweet! I've posted a photo for your enjoyment and hopefully entertainment. It goes really fast when I can get it to shift into the higher gears, and I sure get lots of stares, being pretty much the only girl flying down the road on a motorcyle.
I can sleep soundly tonight knowing that my surfboard and motorcycle mission is now accomplished, and I'm ready to roll for the next month
Take care for now all.

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