I love sipping my cafe con leche each morning with a view of beatifully constructed archway corridors surrounding a courtyard, wooden staircases, and old wooden plantation shutters - some open and some closed. The contrasting bright and cheerful colors on the buildings, clay roof shingles, and tiled floors inside and out, remind me with each glance that I am indeed living an amazing, if temporary life, in Central America.
This morning as I sipped my cafe con leche, three handsome little boys were waiting outside in the courtyard for their math teacher to show up. Since she never showed, they strolled back and forth accross the tiled courtyard, flashing little smiles and deep beautiful brown eyes, with occasional spanish greetings, and practiced a few english words with me, through the wooden banistered wall which sits behind my computer.

Yesterday I took the bus up to Masaya, a truly native market which reminded me some of the Korean markets I used to frequent many many years ago. Items are sold unbelievably inexpensively, and there are tons of beautiful works of artisanship. One could spend an entire day strolling through the thousands of isles throughout the open air market.

I often sit in awe on the hot and stuffy buses, at the beauty of the people boarding and exiting, as well as those we pass by on the street. If I had my camera, I would have taken a thousand photos just of people yesterday. For now though, I will store it all in my mind.
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