Sunday, July 13, 2008

Home Again

Now that I'm home again, I find myself in culture shock, missing so many wonderful things about Central America. Alas, there is something comforting about being back in my own home with all of my own comforts, especially my good old Cosmo! Cos and I are keeping busy with painting the condo, enjoying the spledid wild flowers in bloom on our mountain bike rides and hikes around the beautiful Wasatch mountains, and visiting with all our friends. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful place. Since I resigned in order to travel, I've been helping different friends with their businesses, by doing manual labor for a day here and there, in preparation of returning back to the oh so exciting field of technology. It's been fun to take a good long break from it all and gain a new perspective and appreciation of life, work, friends, and family.

1 comment:

Jammies said...

Nice water there in the San Blas. Are you a diver?